This information is used for discussion with candidates.
Type of practice by specialty: *
Mandatory requirements: *
Desired licenses and memberships: *
Estimated Population (or catchment details) of Area Served:
Type of Facility (# of exam rooms, doctor’s offices, procedure room, lab): *
Computer System (EMR) Type: *
Method of Remuneration (Salary, split of gross billings, other): *
Estimated Gross Billings for Candidate Annually: *
Percentage Split (describe any changes over time): *
How Many Days in Office Expected Weekly: *
Estimated Number of Patients Seen Daily: *
Patient Panel Type (ages, ethnicity, underserved, addiction issues, etc): *
Please describe your expectations (flexible or fixed hours, weekends, etc): *
Any Relocation Funding/Allowance:
Any Retention Premium by Percentage or Flat Fee:
Accommodation, Transportation or Vehicle Allowance Provided:
Related Nearby Facilities (specialists, pharmacy, lab, physiotherapist, chiropractor): *
Please add any other aspects of this opening we should know requirements: